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Heat Illness Prevention - Landscaping Stand-Down
What is a Safety Stand-Down?
A Safety Stand-Down is a voluntary event for employers to talk directly to employees about safety. Any workplace can hold a stand-down by taking a break to focus on "Heat Illness Prevention and Landscaping Safety" and reinforcing the importance of "Heat Illness Prevention and Landscaping Safety". Employers of companies not exposed to these hazards, can also use this opportunity to have a conversation with employees about the other job hazards they face, protective methods, and the company's safety policies and goals. It can also be an opportunity for employees to talk to management about Heat Illness Prevention, Landscaping Safety and other job hazards they see.
We are rapidly approaching that time of year when the temperatures start rising. OSHA Region IV will be sponsoring another Landscape/ Heat Illness Prevention Stand-down on April 29th & 30th . We hope everyone will stop for at least an hour and talk to your workers on Landscape Safety and/or Heat Illness Prevention. If you participate in the Heat stand-down, you can register your company at https://www.agcga.org/web/Safety/2019_OSHA_Region_4_Landscaping_Stand_Down.aspx and download training materials in English and Spanish.
For those of you participating in the Landscape stand-down, you can register at https://www.agcga.org/web/Safety/2019_Heat_Illness_Safety_Stand_Down.aspx. Once you have completed the stand-downs don’t forget to print your certificate of participation.
Please pass this information on to employers that have workers who may be exposed to landscape hazards and/or excessive heat while working outdoors.
Resources and Information
Tree Care Work: Falls and Falling Object Hazards - OSHAHB3731-Tree Care Bulletin
Trabajo en el cuidado de los arboles: Caídas y los peligros de la caída de objetos - OSHA3740
Hazards of Wood Chippers - shib041608-Wood Chippers
Working Outdoors in Warm Climates - working_outdoors
Landscape Flyer (French) - landscape_flyer-french
Landscape Flyer (Spanish) - landscape_flyer-spanish
Landscape Flyer (English) - landscape_flyer-english
Safety Tips Sheet No. 1: Slip and Trip Injuries - PLANETSafetyTips1april05
Safety Tips Sheet No. 2: Reducing the Risk of Lifting Injuries in the Landscape and Horticulture Industries - PLANETSafetyTips2july05
Safety Tips Sheet No. 3: Driving Defensively to Reduce the Risk of a Motor Vehicle Crash - PLANETSafetyTips3nov05
Safety Tips Sheet No. 4: Reducing the Risk of an Amputation - PLANETSafetyTips4feb06
OSHA's Heat Illness Prevention Campaign (Website Link)
Suggestions to Prepare for a Successful Stand-Down (Website Link)
Preventing Heat Related Illnesses (PPT)
Landscaping Safety (PPT)