The Safety Alliance and Caterpillar Safety Services Present
"Managing Fatigue Around the Clock"
Presented by Chip Steensma, Senior Consultant, Caterpillar Safety Services
October 10, 2019 from 8AM to 12PM
Reserve your seats now for $149/per person
(Seating is limited to 20 participants and payment is due to secure your seat)
In the workplace, we often consider fatigue (or a lack of energy) the result of poor personal choices, such as unhealthy diet, lack of exercise or placing low priority on sleep; or as a result of poor character, like laziness, lack of motivation or apathy. However, the most common causes of worker fatigue are more closely associated with individuals physiology, rather than their choices. This seminar will explain the causes of fatigue, the impacts that it has on the workplace and the role fatigue mitigating technologies and change management play in the broader fatigue risk management system.
This course is designed to provide participants with a basic understanding of the principles of fatigue management and how fatigue can affect the safety of oneself and those around you.
Following this session, participants will be able to …
- Gain a base level knowledge of fatigue
- Recognize signs and effects of fatigue
- Understand the causes and cures of fatigue from three different perspectives
- Understand how to set goals around personal fatigue management
- Exercise behavior change techniques that mitigate fatigue
Session Description
Managing Fatigue Around the Clock is designed to increase the knowledge of fatigue and personal fatigue management strategies of shift workers in all industries. Through the training, the participants will obtain a basic knowledge of the definition of fatigue and its signs and effects. The causes and cures of fatigue will be covered from three different perspectives; Operational, Environmental and Physiological, and Behavioral. Participants will be encouraged to set goals and the workshop will wrap-up with a behavior change/action plan exercise.
I. Welcome/Introductions/Agenda
II. Course Outline
a. Introduction
i. What is fatigue?
1. Circadian rhythms
2. Expected times of fatigue
3. Sleep cycles and quality
ii. Signs/effects of fatigue
1. Signs
2. Micro sleeps
3. Effects of fatigue vs. alcohol
b. Causes and cures of fatigue
i. Operational
1. Factors that affect fatigue
2. Self-assessment and goals
ii. Environmental and physiological
1. Factors that affect fatigue
2. Goals
iii. Behavioral
1. Factors that affect fatigue
2. Goals
c. Review/quiz yourself
d. Behavior change
i. How to make behavior change stick
ii. Action Plan
e. Summary and wrap-up
Key Deliverables by CSS
- Participant Guide (1/participant)
- Personal action plan

Caterpillar is committed to helping you make sure everyone who works on or around your job sites returns home safely every day.
Caterpillar Safety Services can help you engage your entire organization in a culture of zero-incident performance. We’ll guide you along your safety journey by providing industry best practices, continuous improvement processes and the latest technologies to see, mitigate and manage risks.
Caterpillar safety experts offer a number of consulting services to help you institute a culture of safety on your site.
Fatigue and distraction can be a significant safety risk, but Caterpillar has the technologies, processes and expertise to help you mitigate that risk.
Technology can play an important role in safety. It provides alerts and data that may be invisible otherwise, providing opportunity to mitigate and manage risk on the job site.
Caterpillar Safety Services offers safety training programs to help leaders embrace the concept of a culture of safety excellence and understand how to be actively involved in the process.
Caterpillar Safety Services offers a number of resources to help your personnel operate safely in every aspect of your operation.
Safety Training Workshops
Develop the safety leader in you by attending a safety training workshops or scheduling one for your organization. Topics vary from Supervisor Training in Recognition Accountability Techniques and Effective Communication to Job Hazard Analysis/Root Cause Analysis and Pipeline Safety Leadership Training. Discover the learning objectives for each workshop, and register for scheduled workshops in your region.